The finest golf, utility and transportation vehicles in the industry
The finest golf, utility and transportation vehicles in the industry
Every detail of design, fabrication and assembly at Club Car is executed with an uncompromised desire for superior performance. The manufacture of quality products is paramount to the employees of Club Car and has been the driving force behind the company for over 50 years. The company's relationship with its customers is equally important: its worldwide distribution network includes over 600 distributors, dealers and factory branch locations. Based in Augusta, Georgia, Club Car is part of worldwide Ingersoll Rand.
Ingersoll Rand is a global diversified industrial firm providing products, services and solutions to transport and protect food and perishables, secure homes and commercial properties, and enhance industrial productivity and efficiency. Driven by a 100-year-old tradition of technological innovation, we enable companies and their customers to create progress.
Club Car's golf, utility and transportation vehicles are recognized as industry leaders in efficiency and long-lasting value. Today, more than 40 base models with applications in golf course, grounds maintenance, industrial, commercial and recreational markets are available.
Club Car repeatedly leads the industry, a fact many attribute to the company's winning style and state-of-the-art engineering. The preparation Club Car has made for tomorrow will serve you well today and in the years to come.

Club Car was founded in the early to mid 1950s in Dallas, Texas. Bill Stevens bought the rights to the golf car and moved the manufacturing facility to Augusta, Georgia, where he lived.
Stevens eventually sold out to Johns Manville Company and then in 1978 Club Car was sold again to a group of investors that included Billy Dolan and seven other top managers from E-Z-GO. They redesigned the golf car and in 1982 introduced the DS model which is still familiar today. They took a small company from back in the pack to become a world class manufacturer of golf and utility vehicles.
Originally making only a 36 volt electric car, Club Car branched off into making a gasoline 4-cycle golf car in 1984. Internal improvements were hidden by a body design that did not change until 1993 when a minor alteration to the front cowl & headlights was made. The body material changed in ’93 to what Club Car calls “ArmorFlex”, a nearly indestructible thermoplastic resin.
Under the hood things were new. In 1992 the old 341cc side valve Kawasaki engine was replaced by a new 286cc, 9hp Kawasaki overhead valve engine dubbed the FE 290 engine. In 1995 Club Car offered the first modern 48-volt power train for golf courses. It employed six 8-volt batteries and had a unique on-board computer to control the charging process. Later that same year they offered a regenerative braking 48-volt system as well. In the late 1990s Club Car eclipsed E-Z-GO as the best selling electric golf car in the world. Since then Club Car has been bought out by Clark, the forklift company, and then Clark shortly thereafter was bought by Ingersoll Rand, which still owns Club Car to this day.
Caroche Golf Car

Club Car 1975-1980
The red 4-wheel car is the Club Car body style used from 1975 through 1979. The early models had bucket seats but later a bench bottom with individual backs was used (see picture).
The car features a 36 volt electric drive train (six 6-volt batteries) and four speed-control micro switches mounted under the center cup holder cutout in the dash. The four micro switches control the five solenoids located just behind the battery pack under the seat.
It has two brake pedals: One to stop the car, which is a hydraulic system with a master cylinder under the dash and a wheel cylinder in each rear wheel. The other brake pedal is the hill brake, located to the extreme left side of the pedal cluster, used to park the car on a slope. The hill brake is a cable activated system.
The motor is usually a BALDOR or GE brand and is mounted in line with the Terrell differential. The chassis is all aluminum.

Designer Dom Saporito in late 1980 introduced a stylish electric golf car with the model name DS, the designer’s initials.
Club Car DS 1981 – Up
Club Car made a body change in 1981 and the “DS” Model was introduced. This is essentially the same design that is seen today except for minor changes to the front cowl and recessed headlight design in 1993.
The insides have changed substantially over the years though. In 1984 the first Club Car gas car (with a side valve, 341 cc, 4 cycle, KF82 Kawasaki engine with a Fuji differential) was introduced. In 1988 the 5 solenoid speed control system was abandoned for the “V glide” resistor style speed switch that employed just one solenoid rather then the 5-solenoid array behind the battery pack.
Club Car left the old side valve gas engine to adopt the Kawasaki FE290 (290cc) overhead valve, 4 cycle gas engine in 1992. Club Car also converted their 36-volt electric cars to a Curtis electronic speed controller in 1992 and went to a Japanese-made self adjusting brake system as well.
In 1995 Club Car and Trojan Battery Co. co-developed the revolutionary 48-volt speed control system. Trojan built the only 8-volt deep cycle lead acid battery (at the time) and Club Car used six of them to power their car. 1996 saw the ‘regen’ 48 volt car offered for sale that electronically governed the top speed of the car.
Starting in the first week of 1997 Club Car changed the direction the Kawasaki gas engine from a counterclockwise rotation to a clockwise rotation (as viewed from the passenger side of the car). This change also incorporated the Unitized Transaxle where the transmission and the differential now were a single unit, not separate components. The engine still had a 290cc displacement but many internal engine parts, the driven clutch and starter/generator all changed with the direction of the engine.
Beginning in 2000 Club Car changed their top design and top support struts as well as the seat bottom and seat back cushions. The old DS top supports were aluminum and now they were a powder-coated black. The upper portion of the front top support formed a trapezoidal shape. The seat back cushion changed from two individual cushions to a single bench-style cushion although the dual seat back cushion design remained an option.
The Club Car DS front and rear body panels were constructed of plastic and fiberglass, respectively. In 1993, Club Car redesigned the bodies and began constructing both the front and rear panels out of a material called ArmorFlex. ArmorFlex is thicker and stiffer than the materials used by other manufacturers. The result is a smoother appearance; however, this characteristic also makes the panels break, rather than bend, when hit in certain ways. Generally, ArmorFlex panels must withstand prolonged abuse before breaking.

2004 up Club Car Precedent
On January 1, 2004, after nearly five years of research and development, Club Car introduced Precedent, a golf car that immediately set a new standard for performance, styling and comfort.
What Year Is My Club Car® Golf Cart?
Since 1981 Club Car® Golf Carts have positioned their serial numbers just under the glove box on the passengers side of the vehicle. The serial number of each vehicle is printed on a bar code decal. The two letters at the beginning of the serial number "A" indicate the vehicle model. The following four digits "B" indicate the model year and production week during which the vehicle was built. The six digits "C" following the hyphen represent the unique sequential number assigned to each vehicle built within a given model year. (See chart below to find your model.)
This Example Serial Number is for a (PH)Precedent I2 Excel (0901)Year-2009 Made the 1st Week (123456)Unique Number For This Particular Cart.
On Club Car® Golf Carts prior to 1981, you can find the serial number by raising the seat and locating the aluminium, I-beam frame section closest to the batteries on the driver's side of the car. If the serial number plate has been removed, you can confirm it is a 1975-1980 model if it has two brake pedals and one accelerator pedal.
A All DS Electric (prior to separation of models) LK Limo Gas (Asian Market
AA DS Electric Golf Car, 48v, electronic controller LQ Limo Electric, Manual Brake
AB DS Electric Golf Car, 36v, V-Glide LR Limo Gas, Manual Brake
AC DS Electric Golf Car, 48v, Regen M Villager 8 Electric (Electronic Controller)
AD Pioneer 1200 Gas Utility MA Carryall 500 Gas
AE Pioneer 900 Gas Utility MB Carryall 550 Gas
AF Café Express Utility MC Carryall 300 Gas
AG DS Gas Golf Car MD Café Express
AH Pioneer 1200SE Gas Utility ME Carryall 500 Electric
AQ DS Electric Golf Car, Curtis IQ 48v Regen MF Carryall 300 Electric
BD Bobcat 2200 Diesel Utility Vehicle MG Villager 8 Gas
BE Bobcat 2200 Gas Utility Vehicle MH Carryall 700 Electric
BF Limo14 Electric 48v MJ Transporter Electric
BG Limo14 Electric 72v MK Transporter Gas
BL Bobcat 2100S Gas Utility ML Carryall 700 Gas
C Industrial Electric Vehicle MM Carryall 550 Electric
CA Limo6, IQ Plus N Transporter, TransSender, Carryall 6 Electric
CB Limo8, IQ Plus NG Transporter, TransSender, Carryall 6 Gas
CC Case IH Scout XL, Stretch PD Precedent i2L Excel
CD NewHolland Rustler 120 UV, Stretch Diesel PE Precedent 4 Passenger Electric
CE Champion Golf Electric PF Precedent 4 Passenger Gas
CF Champion Golf Gas PG Carryall 2 Plus Gas
CG Industrial Gas Vehicle PH Precedent i2 Excel
CH Case IH Scout XL, Stretch PJ Precedent i2 4 Passenger Excel
CJ Case IH Scout XL, Gas PK Precedent i2 L2 Excel with Limo Bag Attachment
CK NewHolland Rustler 125 UV, Gas PP Precedent i2 Excel Stretch
CL Case IH Scout XL, Diesel PQ Precedent Professional Electric 48v with IQ Con
CM NewHolland Rustler 120 UV, Diesel PR Precedent Professional Gas
CN NewHolland Rustler 125 UV, Stretch Gas PS Precedent L2 Electric
CR Case IH Scout, 4x2, Gas PT Precedent L2 Gas
CT Case IH Scout, 4x4, Gas PU Precedent i2 Signature Excel
CU NewHolland Rustler 115 UV, 4x2, Gas PV Precedent i2 Signature 4-Passenger Excel
CV NewHolland Rustler 115 UV, 4x4, Gas PW Precedent Signature 4 Passenger Gas
CW Case IH Scout, 4x4, Gas PX Precedent Signature 4 Passenger Excel
CX NewHolland Rustler 115 UV, 4x4, Gas PY Precedent Signature Gas Golf
CY Case IH Scout XL, Homologated, Diesel PZ Precedent Signature Electric Golf
CZ NewHolland Rustler 120 Homologated, Diesel QA Carryall 1
D Fairway Villager 4, Electric, Electronic Controller QB Carryall 2
DD DS Electric, 48v, IQ System QC Carryall 6
DE Villager 4, 48v, IQ System QE Villager 8 Plus
DG Fairway Villager 4, Gas QG Carryall 272 Gas
DS DS Electric Golf Car, 48v, PowerDrive Series QH Carryall 472 Gas
E Carryall 2, Electric, Electronic Controller QQ Limousine 8, IQ Plus Controller
EA Carryall 2 Electric Industrial Truck QR Limousine 6, IQ Plus Controller
EB Carryall 2 Electric AC LSV QS Villager 6 Plus
EC Carryall 2 Electric AC LSV QT Turf 2 Plus
ED Carryall 6 Electric AC LSV, Homologated R Turf 2 Electric (Electronic Controller)
EG Carryall 2 Gas RD Carryall 1500 2WD Gas
F Carryall 1 Electric RG Turf 2 Gas
FA Carryall 1 Electric Industrial Truck RK Husqvarna 4221 XP AWD Diesel
FB Carryall 242 Gas RL Husqvarna 4221 XP AWD Gas
FC Carryall 242 Electric RM RSC 1550 AWD Diesel
FD Carryall 1 48v, IQ Controller RN RSC 1550 AWD Gas
FG Carryall 1 Gas RP RSC 1550 SE AWD Diesel
FK RT 850 SE Electric RQ RSC 1550 IntelliTrak AWD
FQ Villager 4, 48v, IQ System RS Bobcat 2200 AWD Homologated Diesel
FU XRT 850 SE Gas RT RSC 1550 AWD Gas
G Tourall Electric 36v RU Transporter XL Electric
GG Tourall Gas S Turf 2 Electric (Electronic Controller)
H Turf 1 Electric, Electronic Controller SA Bobcat 2200 SE AWD Diesel
HA DS Electric Golf Car, 36v SB Bobcat 2200 SE AWD Gas
HD Turf 1, 48v, IQ Controller SE Villager 6 Gas
HG Turf 1 Gas SF Villager 8 Gas
J Transporter & Carryall 6, Electronic Controller SK Transporter XL Gas
JA Carryall 6 Electric Industrial Truck SL Precedent i2 Gas
JB Carryall 6 Electric AC LSV SM Precedent i2L Gas
JC Carryall 6 Electric AC LSV SN Precedent i2 4 Passenger Gas
JE Precedent i2, High-Frequency Charger SP Precedent i2 L2 Gas
JF Precedent i2L, High-Frequency Charger SR XRT 800 Gas
JG Transporter & Carryall 6 Gas SS Carryall 232 Gas
JH Precedent c2L 4-Passenger, High-Frequency Charger SU Precedent i2 Signature Gas
JJ Precedent i2L L2, High-Frequency Charger SV Precedent i2 Signature 4-Passenger Gas
JK Turf 252 Electric, 48v, IQ Plus Controller SW XRT 850 Gas
JL Carryall 252 Electric, 48v, IQ Plus Controller SX XRT 1550 SE AWD Gas
JM XRT 900 Electric, 48v, IQ Plus Controller SY XRT 1550 SE AWD Diesel
JN Precedent i2 Signature, High-Frequency Charger SZ Carryall 242 Gas
JP Transporter 6 Electric, 48v, IQ Plus Controller T Villager 4 Electric (Electronic Controller)
JQ Transporter 6 Gas Key Start TA Transporter 4 Electric
JR Carryall 6 Electric, IQ Plus Controller TG Villager 4 Gas
JS Transporter 4 Electric, 48v, IQ Plus Controller TS Carryall 300 Gas
JT Transporter 4 Gas Key Start TT XRT 1550 AWD IntelliTrak
JU Carryall 6 11HP Gas Key Start VG Turf 6 Gas
JV Turf 6 11 HP Gas Pedal Start VR Villager 2 LSV
JW Precedent i2 Signature 4-Passenger, High F Charger VS Villager 2+2 LSV Electric
JX Precedent i2 Stretch, High-Frequency Charger VU Villager 2+2 LSV Homologated
JY XRT 850 Electric VV Villager 2 LSV Homologated
JZ XRT 850 Gas XG Turf 2 XRT Gas
K Villager 6 Electric, Electronic Controller XH XRT 810 Gas
KA XRT 950 4x2 Gas Prototype XL Carryall 232 Gas
KB XRT 950 4x4 Gas Prototype XM Carryall 232 Electric
KG Villager 6 Gas XP RSC 800 Gas
KX XRT 950 4x2 Gas XQ RSC 810 Gas
KY XRT 950 4x4 Gas XS RSC XRT 800 Electric
KZ XRT 950EX 4x4 Gas XT RSC 810 Electric
L All Earlier Limo Electric Vehicles XU RSC XRT 900
LA Limo Electric (Electronic Controller) ZG Carryall 2 XRT Gas
LB Limo Electric (Regen) ZV Transporter XLC Gas
LE Limo II Electric (Replaced LB) ZW Carryall 900 Gas
LG Limo Gas ZX Transporter XLC Electric
LH Limo II Gas (Replaced LG) ZY Carryall 900 Electric
LJ Limo Electric (Asian Market) ZZ Carryall 2 Gas